Tzama Nafshi is an international Kehilla that began at the turn of the new millennium, developed, built and led by Rabbi Yeruchum Goldwasser. The Tzama Nafshi Kehilla is comprised of Families, Balei Batim, Yungerleit, and Young Professionals.

The Kehilla’s unique focus on continual growth and development in the Beis Medrash, at the workplace, and in the home, creates a well-rounded and balanced approach to Avodas Hashem.

Based out of Tzama Nafshi’s Headquarters in Yerushalayim where our Shul, Kollelim, and Learning Center operate, daily minyanim, Daf Yomi, chavrusas and shiurim take place. In addition, Rabbi Goldwasser regularly travels to deliver the Chayim Tovim seminar and related lectures to alumni and new audiences across the globe.

Davening in our Shul is a focused and heartfelt experience, enveloped by a communal umbrella and a personal touch.

Our Kollelim house the highest level of talent and commitment in in-depth Torah learning. Our unique ethos highlights leadership and personal growth alongside academic excellence, cultivating and nurturing the next generation of Jewish leaders.

Our four daily Kollelim, learning subjects ranging from Daf Yomi and Hilchos Shabbos to Gemara Kodshim Be’Iyun, keep a steady and ever growing stream of Torah, Tefilah, and Avodas Hashem. This provides a base and wellspring for our Baalei Batim and Young Professionals to connect to and draw from, both for those living in Israel, and those visiting from aboard.