The Beginning

Adam Harishon was born in Gan Eden with the Chaim Toivim. The malachim tended to his every need, as the Gemara recounts, “maluchim tzolin lo basar umageshin lo yayin — they roasted him meat and they poured him wine.”

Everything was in its correct place, aligned with Hashem. Adam was able to see misof ha’olam ad sofo. Life was Gan Eden, and he could have lived that way forever.

Until the first outside message of the world came his way: The atzas hanachash. Listening to this outside message caused Adam Harishon to “lose his makom” and then become disconnected from his inner self. Banished from his life of Gan Eden, he now had to journey to regain his place.

The impact of the first cheit affected the future of his life and that of all generations to come. It is now a built-in cheilek of the tikun habri’ah we all go through. It is this very same cycle that we are confronted with to be metaken ourselves and bring tikun ha’olam.

We, too, were all born with an innate Chaim Toivim. At one point or another, different messages came our way, knocking us out of our true, unique place of fineness. We now have the opportunity to identify the atzas hanachash and replace it the with the atzas ha’emes; this process will reveal to you your innate metziyus of the Chaim Toivim you were born with.

So, the next time you meet someone, you can begin with an inner voice of, “I’m fine. How are you?” Through your inner work, deep avodah p’nimi, you will experience your inner fineness.

Let’s try to bring this down practically. The negative messages one receives throughout his younger years, all the way through his twenties, form much of who he perceives himself to be. They impact all aspects of his life, preventing him from experiencing true serenity and wellbeing. Any comment by a teacher, rebbi, parent, grandparent, business associate, friend, or neighbor could strike so deeply in a child’s heart, that decades later it can leave him unsure and uncomfortable within himself. Whether it’s his spiritual pursuit, career development, business advancement, or his personal experience of his internal world of wellbeing and level of inner peace… It is possible that any such comment reverberates, echoing loudly from its stored place within his vibrational frequency that was set then, and now has him continuously questioning himself.

We are on a mission to hear the fine-tuned notes of our personal harmony. That crisp sound which flows as you ever so softly strum your well-tuned bass guitar. We know that to get the perfect sound, it takes tuning, which requires a stretching of the string, allowing the note to hold its key, even when plucked to and fro. The four bass strings of your inner world await their symphony to be played in harmony, allowing you to experience wellbeing — spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically so you can achieve the breakthroughs you know you’re capable of accomplishing in your very core! The four core areas are Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Social.


Sensitivity: The Big Picture

